by tinaschnabel | Feb 6, 2023
Garden Tower Wabern, SchweizGreen Living with a view GREEN SPACE ON NOBLE STEEL A futuristic and pleasantly green building – the Garden Tower in the Swiss town of Wabern, very close to the capital Bern, is the first high-rise building in the land of the Swiss...
by tinaschnabel | Feb 6, 2023
Sporthalle, EitensheimGrowing design scope with GREENCABLE LIGHT GREENING OF A SPORTS HALL A sports club is usually not something that is simply created out of thin air. A sports club like SV Eitensheim 1946 e. V. is something that has grown up. And it is exactly this...
by tinaschnabel | Dec 14, 2022
Student residential complexStudy green with X-TEND & I-SYS STUDY WITH A FUTURE More than 10,000 students study at the Garching University and Research Center. Here practical and theoretical science is practiced in the disciplines of physics, chemistry, computer...
by tinaschnabel | Dec 14, 2022
Primary School de Diamant, ApeldoornGreening of facades and security with X-TEND SAFETY AND FACADE GREENERY Today, teaching children a healthy, natural approach to nature can also be the task of schools. In the Netherlands, there is an educational institute that has...
by tinaschnabel | Dec 14, 2022
Theresienhöhe, MunichGREENCABLE-PROJECT “Green work breaks” GREEN WORK BREAKS Massive office complexes meanwhile dominate Munich’s redesigned Theresienhöhe district. The “hanging gardens” linking the different parts of the buildings help break up the...